KO Magnet Registration
​KO Magnet Registration--March 27th, 2019 from 5-8pm
5:00pm Students with last names A-L
6:00 - 6:30 pm Students with last names M-Z
If you cannot attend the magnet registration event on March 27th, you can return to this page on March 28th to register your student
Congratulations and welcome to our incoming KO Cougars! You may be wondering what the next step is after you have accepted your seat. Please make plans to join us for our Magnet Induction Night on March 27th from 5-8pm. While you are here you will:
Meet with your teacher and learn about your major course of study.
Register for your classes and choose your electives.
Tour the KO Knudson campus.
Speak with current students and teachers
Learn about the ins and outs of the magnet program, sign required documents and review magnet requirements.
Welcome to our KO family, we hope to see you March 27th
Please follow the following steps to register your child.
Download the Magnet Contract and the Registration Form. (These are at the bottom of the page.)
Watch this video of our magnet coordinator walking you through the Registration Process and orienting you to some important information. (link here)
Look at the checklist below to determine which documents you need to submit to the school for your child.
Write down any questions and email the magnet coordinator (ahernma@nv.ccsd.net) or registrar with questions about enrollment documents (dougll@nv.ccsd.net). You are welcome to call, email is most efficient.
Complete the online registration process with CCSD. The campus portal opens April 11th. Details below.
The sooner you are able to turn in the information, the better your chances are of receiving your desired second elective options.
Thank you for your prompt attention!
Required Documents for Families Currently Enrolled in CCSD
Photocopy of Proof of Address
Photocopy of ID of parent registering their child
Families New to CCSD
Photocopy of Proof of Address (power bill, rental agreement, mortgage statement, etc.)
Photocopy of ID of parent registering their child
Photocopy of Proof of Child’s Identify (birth certificate, passport, certified birth card)
Photocopy of Immunization Record
Photocopy of Recent Report Card/Test Scores (recommended for course placement)
On-line registration continues with CCSD through Infinite Campus starting April 11th!
Students Currently Enrolled in CCSD
The online registration process needs to be completed annually
This can be done at campusportal.ccsd.net
You will need a Parent Portal username and password.
Need a log in? Contact your child’s current school!
Students New to CCSD
Register from home on the CCSD website, register.ccsd.net
Questions about Online Registration?
Call 702.799.7678, M-F, 6 am - 8 pm
Questions about Registration?
Contact LaTangella Douglass, Registar
Questions about Magnet?
Megan Scalise ahernma@nv.ccsd.net
Here is a link to the Family Engagement Survey, please connect with us.