K.O. Knudson is a 1-to-1 Chromebook school meaning each of our students has the opportunity to check out and use a Chromebook for the school year. Providing students with individual Chromebooks gives students the opportunity to enhance their learning experience both inside and outside of the classroom/school environment. This 1-to-1 opportunity also narrows the digital divide between students and their families and promotes the responsible use of technology.
All Chromebooks lent to students are still the property of K.O. Knudson Middle School and the Clark County School District. As such, the Chromebooks are subject to the same Acceptable Use Policy and Mobile Device Guidelines and Expectations as all other CCSD electronic equipment. All apps, files, and documents stored on the Chromebook are the property of Knudson Middle School. Knudson Middle School reserves the right to confiscate and search a student’s Chromebook to ensure compliance with the Acceptable Use Policy. Students in violation of the Acceptable Use Policy may be subject to but not limited to; disciplinary action, repossession, overnight confiscation, removal of content. In the event of repossession or confiscation, completion of all classwork remains the responsibility of the student. Any damage to the actual Chromebook, case, or charger, (including lost/misplaced items) is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
Student Responsibilities
The Chromebook is required to be at school every day, fully charged. If a Chromebook is left at home or is not charged, the student remains responsible for completing all coursework as if they had use of their Chromebook. Repeat offenses will require the Chromebook be collected and “checked out” from the library on a daily basis.
Backing up your work is important and should be done on a weekly basis. Work completed on your Chromebook should be emailed to your school Google account and saved in your Google Drive
Memory space is limited. Academic content takes precedence over personal files. In the case of memory space conflict, personal files must be removed at the student’s expense.